Herbalife Weight Loss Packs

The Herbalife Weight Loss Packs contain programmes which are based on healthy meal replacement and improved nutrient absorption by the body.

At the core of each programme is the meal replacement shake. This provides a fast, healthy meal with high quality protein as well as vitamins and minerals. The shake takes only a few minutes to prepare and is taken twice a day to replace two meals. The third meal, which can be either lunch or dinner should be a healthy meal containing protein and vegetables, but not too high in carbohydrates.

In addition the Multivitamin is taken twice daily and assists in adding the optimum nutritional balance to the body as well as boosting the immune system.

The emphasis on protein assists the body to maintain it's muscle mass while focusing on the elimination of fat. This means that the body's overall metabolic rate is maintained which makes it much easier to maintain that weight loss after the programme is completed.

Additional supplements can help speed up weight loss results as well as help with healthy nutrient absorption and the efficient elimination of waste.

Why Should I Choose a Herbalife Weight Loss Programme?

There are literally hundreds of weight loss programmes. Why Herbalife?


*Individual results will vary.